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Thursday, August 27, 2015

First Week Fun!

Fourth graders enjoyed their first week of school getting to know one another and learning their way around the classroom!

On Monday we completed a "Find Someone Who..." activity where each student had a chart (similar to a Bingo board) and had to find classmates that corresponded to each of the boxes on their sheet. For example, find someone who has camped in a tent, who has been to Disney World, who wants to be a teacher, etc. 

Reading and searching for books in the classroom library!

The students were very excited to check out classroom library books for the first time! They each have their own "library card" used to check out books using a website. This helps me know where my books are and I can also see which books are most popular. They can check out two books at a time (preferably one fiction and one non-fiction) and yes, they are allowed to bring them home as long as they are kept in a safe place and they remember to return them. 

We drew self-portraits to hang above the lockers in our hallway!