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Monday, September 14, 2015

Science Test

Students have their first science test this Friday, September 18th. The test is over Chapter 3, Plant Growth and Adaptations. We have been focusing on this chapter since the first week of school and are on our way to becoming plant experts. :)

Students have the following resources to help them study:
- Vocabulary Flash Cards (We made these the first week of school)
- Chapter 3 Guided Notes
- Study Guide (Students will be completing the study guide in class on Monday and reviewing the answers on Tuesday so it may be used as a study tool for the remainder of the week)

In addition to these resources, students may also use Spelling City to study for the vocabulary portion of the test. Students have used Spelling City at school and are able to access the website at home.

Click on "Login" in the top right corner.

Under "Student Login" students should enter their username and password. Their username is their school ID number, and their password is the password they use to access the computers at school, which is the same password they use for any of our website logins.

Once they are logged in, any assignment I have created for them is listed. When they click on Plant Vocabulary, a menu drops down with the games they can play to help practice their vocabulary.

Hint: If they click on Unit 2 Vocabulary, they can also practice their vocabulary for our vocabulary quiz on Friday! These are our Unit 2 words from our orange vocabulary workbook.

Though we will be reviewing in class this week, studying at home is so, so, so important! As a grade level we emphasize the importance of studying daily and not leaving all studying the night before a big test. 

If you or your child has any questions about the upcoming test or how to access Spelling City from home, please do not hesitate to ask!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Garden Fun

On Thursday we had the opportunity to pick vegetables from our school's garden! Vegetables from the garden will be donated to the food pantry. Our class picked carrots and green beans! The hands-on exposure tied in perfectly with our plants unit. :)

We are looking forward to planting vegetables in the spring!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Book Buddies

Every Wednesday afternoon our class partners with Mrs. Ballard's kindergarten class for Book Buddies. Each fourth grader is paired with a kindergarten friend to read stories together. Sometimes we even help them practice their ABC's! Last week the kindergartners made an exciting trip to our fourth grade classroom.